Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A Deep Down Happiness That Satisfies

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Entering my room this morning and discovered that my favorite plant - yes I do have favorites - was in need of being watered. Not only was the soil dry to the touch but one of the stalks was drooping, I had to take action fast! So off to the kitchen sink for some much needed water. The plant is called, "Zebra Plant" and the leaf design makes me happy. Do not know exactly why? And it is just enough that it makes me happy. Are their things in your life that just make you happy? And if you were to try and analyze, overthink, examine, etc. a logical reason doesn't seem to manifest itself. I am learning to lean in on how to embrace that which makes me happy. A deep down happiness that satisfies! Yes, it can be a memory that you think about often, it can be a tangible object, it can be a taste or smell or any number of reasons for it so why not embrace it. There are more than one verses that have that "deep down happiness that satisfies" whenever I read them. Isaiah 64:4, Psalm 119:105, Romans 8:28, John 3:16-17, Galatians 5:22-23, Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1-5. These verses seem to resonate and weave themselves through my heart, soul and body. In order to revive my withering Zebra plant I had to water the top but I also had to add some much needed water in the bowl so that the soaking could begin to get "deep down" and the tips of the roots would not have to wait for the water to drip down. And that is the way the Lord gives us the soaking that is needed so that we have the Joy of the Lord which is our strength. When I am holding on He soaks me with Isaiah 64:4; when I am confused He soaks me with Psalm 119:105, when I am not understanding He soaks me with Romans 8:28, when I am questioning my life He soaks me with John 3:16-17, when I am focusing on the situation He soaks me with Galations 5:22-23, when I am out of control He soaks me with Genesis 1:1 and finally when I am aimlessly seeking for what is truth He soaks me with John 1:1-5. Yes, our Sovereign Lord is our "deep down happiness that satisfies from the top to the bottom and all the in between places and in the smallest and finest of details He revives, renews, restores and is so much more than we can ever imagine. Let us pray - Abba Father, how magnificent is Your Presence and Your Peace and Your Provision. Thank You O LORD that All we are and All we have and All of this life and into the eternity You are the one who satisfies, the one who gives us that deep down happiness. LORD I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ be soaked in Your Love and Joy and Hope today. In Jesus Name, Amen. Being Soaked by the WORD,


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