Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Mosaic Table

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, This morning's reading is from a devotional that I have used, "Reminders from God", which reads, "Nothing in the day is too small to be a part of My scheme.The little stones in a mosaic play a big part. Joy is the God-given cement that secures the harmony and beauty of My mosaic." The scripture reference is Jeremiah 32:27, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?" The moment I read this I was swept into a memory moment of several years back. I had a dear and precious friend, Sweet Jane, was my name for her. She and her husband owned a coffee farm in Hawaii and when we would go visit she would sometimes invite me to go look for colored glass or she would show me her treasured find. She was collecting the colored glass pieces to make a mosaic table. It was in October that me and a few of the women from our church had gathered at her bedside to pray. She was in the last few days of her life and we had gathered to pray but instead it was like a tea party. Sweet Jane comfortred us by inviting us to come into her room in heaven and sit at her mosaic table. These were her thoughts that she had a room and in this room was the mosaic table that she never got to finish. Even though the thought was sad it still brought laughter into the room which was Joyful to hear. As I reflect back on that day now the scripture reference of Jeremiah 32:27 is very applicable. There is nothing too hard for the Creator. The LORD placed each piece of glass (little stones) and Sweet Jane was rewarded for her searching (seeking) them out. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ the Lord's scheme for our lives is so gentle and sweet and beautiful and glorious! Let us pray - Abba Father, our Creator, yes we are the clay and You are the potter and each little stone, and each little lump are cemented together by Your Joy. Praise to thee. Oh Lord as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ begins and ends her day may Your Joy surround her and may she see the wonders of Your harmony and beauty, may she see how rich and glorious is Your mosaic. I pray also that she "know and be still" in Your Presence for indeed there is nothing too hard for You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Sitting at the mosaic table,


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