Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Mosaic Table

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, This morning's reading is from a devotional that I have used, "Reminders from God", which reads, "Nothing in the day is too small to be a part of My scheme.The little stones in a mosaic play a big part. Joy is the God-given cement that secures the harmony and beauty of My mosaic." The scripture reference is Jeremiah 32:27, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?" The moment I read this I was swept into a memory moment of several years back. I had a dear and precious friend, Sweet Jane, was my name for her. She and her husband owned a coffee farm in Hawaii and when we would go visit she would sometimes invite me to go look for colored glass or she would show me her treasured find. She was collecting the colored glass pieces to make a mosaic table. It was in October that me and a few of the women from our church had gathered at her bedside to pray. She was in the last few days of her life and we had gathered to pray but instead it was like a tea party. Sweet Jane comfortred us by inviting us to come into her room in heaven and sit at her mosaic table. These were her thoughts that she had a room and in this room was the mosaic table that she never got to finish. Even though the thought was sad it still brought laughter into the room which was Joyful to hear. As I reflect back on that day now the scripture reference of Jeremiah 32:27 is very applicable. There is nothing too hard for the Creator. The LORD placed each piece of glass (little stones) and Sweet Jane was rewarded for her searching (seeking) them out. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ the Lord's scheme for our lives is so gentle and sweet and beautiful and glorious! Let us pray - Abba Father, our Creator, yes we are the clay and You are the potter and each little stone, and each little lump are cemented together by Your Joy. Praise to thee. Oh Lord as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ begins and ends her day may Your Joy surround her and may she see the wonders of Your harmony and beauty, may she see how rich and glorious is Your mosaic. I pray also that she "know and be still" in Your Presence for indeed there is nothing too hard for You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Sitting at the mosaic table,

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

In Jesus Name, Amen

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, You have just had the best conversation and special time with a friend and you are hating for it to end because you have been able to share with each other and listen too. Before you leave you want to make sure that this happens again so you decide to meet sometime in the future and either say goodbye or see you again soon. This is a normal response right? Well not so with the visit with the Lord God, our response before we leave is, "In Jesus Name, Amen." Praying, Prayer is spending time doing just that, sharing and listening! Amen means so be it! Psalm 89:52, "Blessed be the LORD forever! Amen and Amen" and Rev. 3:14, "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: "The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the "Beginning of the creation of God, says this," Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, what a powerful and special salutation - that as we ask, seek, and knock and spend time with the LORD and when we leave each other our saluation is, "in Jesus Name, Amen." Spending time with Him and sharing those things that burden or delight or confuse or frustrate He will be the "so Be it", for All the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. So today let us celebrate and be filled with the Joy of the Lord, and worship Him by saying, "Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only does wondrous things! And blessed be His glorious name forever! Amen and Amen. Let us pray - Abba Father, Praise and Glory to thee, thank You oh LORD our Alpha and Omega, who is the Lamb and the Lion of Judah, Lord I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ walks into her day that Your Spirit would direct and guide and comfort and console and remind her that she is the daughter of the King and with All things are possible. In Jesus Name, Amen. Amen and Amen,

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Psalm 40 - My Help and My Deliverer

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Today's scripture reading comes from Psalm 40 - all of it but especially verse 4, "Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust,...", and verse 11, "As for you, O Lord, you will not restrain your mercy from me; your steadfast love and faithfulness will ever preserve me!" and finally verse 16, "But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually, "Great is the LORD!"". The days are growing shorter and the nights longer and for those who are early risers even though it is not light outside your body seems to have a hard time adjusting, well for me it is. You would think that being born on the shortest day of the year that I would be a night person, well have another think - it is quite the opposite! The old saying, getting up at the crack of dawn does have its disadvantages when you are still getting up at 6:00 and it is still DARK outside. So what does that have to do with today's scriptures you might be asking yourself? Actually nothing so let us focus on the main thing, whether dark or light still our LORD "will not restrain His mercy from me". Wow, our Lord is our help and our deliverer! He is there while you are awake and He is there while you are asleep. He is there in the sunlight and He is there in the moonlight! He is there... always and in all ways. So whether you are a "get up at the crack of dawn person" or a person who "burns the midnight oil" He is ever present so for today let us pray - Abba Father, thank You for You are our constant and forever faithful LORD. O, Lord let us be thankful for our salvation and say continually, "Great is our LORD!" O, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she enters into her day may she TRUST the day to You and praise You for "your steadfast love and faithfulness will ever preserve me", yes Lord preserve her days and nights as she seeks You in all things and in all ways. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings and Prayers,

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Welcome to the Month of October

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Yes, the month of October is upon us and the decorations are on the front porch. Three pumpkins grown in our garden and also 3 acorn squash sitting next to my large giraffe planter. The giraffe planter greets all who come to our front door and during the seasons she is wearing different colored scarves. I have yet to get the October/November themed box down yet so for now she is hopefully keeping the pumpkins and squash safe from our local deer that try to eat them. Yesterday morning was a nice morning to take a walk. It had been rainy and cold for the last few days and I had caught a cold but yesterday it was gone so a walk was in order. I started my walk hoping that I could connect with a friend and talk on the phone but instead there were other things the Lord wanted me to observe. Walking along the path I was looking at a flower which had gone to seed and the sun rays hit the flower and diamonds appeared on the petals. I tried to capture the scene on my camera. Further down the path pine cones started to come crashing down and nearly hit my head. I looked up and a squirrel was busily dropping as many as it could. I told the squirrel that he was making a big mess as I walked to the other side of the road to avoid being hit. I heard music coming from my neighbors house. The sweet piano music at first reminded me of my daughter who always was practicing and as I got closer to hear the tune it was the hymnal, "Oh how I love Jesus." I stopped to listen briefly and then walked home. What a beautiful morning to take a walk and all the surprises that the Lord had in store for me along the path. Let us pray - Abba Father our Gracious and Gentle and Good God, who lavishes us with beautiful and wonderful blessings each and every day. Lord, thank You that You have a way of turning a withering flower into an array of diamonds just by covering it with the morning dew and shining sunlight on it. Thank You that You supply the squirrel with pine cones to collect for their winter feeding. Thank You that you give us music and lyrics and tunes and instruments to play and worship you. Yes, Lord there are so many blessings and this month of October, the harvesting month O Lord may You give each dear and precious sister-in-Christ Your light which shines in their hearts creating Joy, may you give an abundance so they can have plenty, may you give them music to worship and to dance and to sing and to shout Praises unto thee. In Jesus Name, Amen. Open my ears and eyes to see and hear,