Wednesday, July 27, 2022

You Inspire Me

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Another Wednesday is upon us and what a privilege it is to be sharing my time with you this morning. It is time well spent for not only do I get to commune with you I am also spending time with the One who inspires me. He inspires me in so many ways each day that I am not even aware of it. As I awake thoughts of a new day beginning, a blank page, a clean slate, an adventurous day where I will experience... only He knows for His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts. He inspires me to draw from the living waters, He inspires me to ask for the impossible, He inspires me to seek that which He desires for me to find and He alone gives me choices which are behind doors that He opens when I knock. A day with the Lord is like none other for He inspires ALL of His children in ways that only we are able to accept and do and dream and need. Yes, He motivates, He nudges, He quietly whispers, He enters your mind and heart and directs you and me towards Him. So as you walk into your day and look upon something or hear something that stirs you and catches your attention know that it is the Creator, the Sovereign Lord who is guiding, giving, challenging, and inspiring you to "be still and know that He is God." Let us pray - Abba Father thank You that You are a good God, a God who inspires us. Lord God as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ opens her eyes to the day may she see and hear ALL that You alone inspire in her life and walk through her day with boldness and witness the glory of the Lord in all the details of her life. In Jesus Name, Amen. May His Inspiration Begin,

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Matthew 7:7-8 - Ask Seek Knock

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Last week I had three words and following that same theme this week - three words that are interconnected. I failed to relate that the three words from last week were actually a candle display that I got from my mom's belongings. I had found them in her bedroom closet some months back and placed them on her nightstand. They were moved to my house some time later and are now sitting on top of my bookcase. The candles are still wrapped in plastic and after last week's post I got to thinking - why are these candles still wrapped in plastic? So... representing my walk with the Lord seems to be that way sometimes... He has given me a gift and I have failed to unwrap it and use it. My gifts given were three action words, "faith, hope, love" and today's three words are interconnected in this way - by asking I am walking in faith; by seeking I am activating hope and in knocking I am activating Love. In faith I ask and in seeking I am hoping and in knocking I am reaching out in Love to a holy and Sovereign Lord who says, "for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." How faithful is our God that when we unwrap the gift given and activate it by igniting it He rewards in the most unimaginable ways that even if we thought we needed and desired something He goes further and supplies us with impossible to believe dreams and desires. Yes our Lord is Sovereign beyond our understanding and the mysteries He reveals when we rest and trust in Him in ALL things. Abba Father, a Good God and a Faithful God. Thank You oh Lord that Your promises are Yes and Amen. Praise to Thee that You, the Great I AM is still so much more than we can ever imagine or fathom. Oh Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she asks for... she will receive abundantly; that as she seeks for... she will find that You can do the impossible, and as she knocks for... that the doors of her heart and mind and soul will be opened to see just how rich and merciful and beautiful is her God. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings,

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Faith Love Hope

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, The days are getting a little warmer and this body is loving it! I live in the state of Montana where there are only a few days out of the 365 days that it is actually considered hot so I really can't complain, right? Of course not! Today's title is three very important words that need to be at the forefront of our minds every morning and why? Because without these three important words repeated over and over again are we able to digest ALL other matters in our lives. Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Two Cor. 5:14, "For the love of Christ controls us,..." And finally, Psalm 39:7, "And now, Lord, for what do I want? My hope is in You." Why do we have faith? Why do we have love? Why do we have hope? These three questions can be answered by looking at the cross! As simple as that and yet each word spoken separately or together seems to bring up more questions and why, because it is a mystery that only God can reveal in the life of a believer. He longs to answer, He desires to give, He stands at the door of your heart even now and is waiting. I know that you have your special verses which help in remembering the faithfulness of the Lord and if you would like to share a few of them with me they would be very welcomed. My prayer for today - Abba Father, most Sovereign and Gracious Lord, how vast is Your Love for us, how rich are the gifts You give, how merciful are Your blessings which restore our faith, love and hope to Trust in Thee alone. O Lord may Your insistent knocking on our hearts draw us ever more closely to You our healer, guide, master, shepherd, and Saviour. Lord I pray that Your Presence would be evident in the lives of each dear and precious sister-in-Christ this day and every day of their lives. In Jesus Name, Amen. Answering the door,

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Traveling From Coast to Coast

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, The latter part of June was spent traveling from coast to coast to attend two very important events. The first was in California where our grandson was graduating from High School and the second was in Florida, where our granddaughter was celebrating her graduation and also her going into the U.S. Army. Some of it was driving to and from and the other was flying to and from, with our departure from Denver being the destination point to Tampa. It was quite adventurous and one that was very, very rewarding even though our bodies are exhausted and needing to be refueled. Two days before, while having my quiet time the Lord pressed upon my heart that as soon as we left the driveway until we returned, we would have to be totally dependent upon Him. And such was the case! The experience was one of a lifetime with, hopefully, memories of events and things done and the excitement of every day will remain fresh in my memories. So many precious moments spent with adult children and grandchildren and all the dynamics of being a family! Yes, a family, even though we are not physically close we are still a family and stories were told about things of the past and also new stories were created to be related in the future. I must not leave you before I tell of some of the highlights: Being able to hug and be in the presence of precious ones, talking about future and everyday lives, going for walks, and sharing in their lives no matter how short the days were. Some firsts for me: Zumba, yes, my daughter invited me to her Zumba class, wow am I out of shape, but just watching her was enough. Darts, I didn't even know that I could and yet as I was invited by my son to play with him, I couldn't refuse. Multiple games played on the few days we were there and I even impressed him with my wins throwing right and left handed (my right arm got very sore). Dipping my feet in the gulf waters, while in California we went to the beach so had the Pacific Ocean already and we had visited the Atlantic several years back but I had yet to dip my feet in the gulf waters, this was accomplished. Sitting in a car while my granddaughter was at the wheel, a treat indeed. These were my firsts and hopefully there will be more times in the future. As I reflect - I'm so thankful for my family for without them I would not be the person I am today. Yes, my adult children and my grandchildren continually show me the importance of living and giving and sharing and loving. This visit revealed to me just how ALL the prayers that I had asked of the Lord for these precious children were a reality. I'm so thankful for my family and for ALL that the Lord has/is doing/will do in the lives of these precious ones. Before my prayer I have to say one last thing - the Lord placed so many lives before me to pray for them that He alone orchestrated. He loves ALL of us so much. Abba Father, thank You for Your revelations that You give, thank You for ALL things and in the midst of our everyday lives may You alone be our Sovereign Lord, Lord I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ keep asking, knocking and seeking Your Will and Your Timing in their lives but also in the lives of those they pray for. Lord embrace each one today with Your Goodness and Kindness and Faithfulness. In Jesus Name, Amen. Resting in the Lord,