Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Traveling From Coast to Coast

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, The latter part of June was spent traveling from coast to coast to attend two very important events. The first was in California where our grandson was graduating from High School and the second was in Florida, where our granddaughter was celebrating her graduation and also her going into the U.S. Army. Some of it was driving to and from and the other was flying to and from, with our departure from Denver being the destination point to Tampa. It was quite adventurous and one that was very, very rewarding even though our bodies are exhausted and needing to be refueled. Two days before, while having my quiet time the Lord pressed upon my heart that as soon as we left the driveway until we returned, we would have to be totally dependent upon Him. And such was the case! The experience was one of a lifetime with, hopefully, memories of events and things done and the excitement of every day will remain fresh in my memories. So many precious moments spent with adult children and grandchildren and all the dynamics of being a family! Yes, a family, even though we are not physically close we are still a family and stories were told about things of the past and also new stories were created to be related in the future. I must not leave you before I tell of some of the highlights: Being able to hug and be in the presence of precious ones, talking about future and everyday lives, going for walks, and sharing in their lives no matter how short the days were. Some firsts for me: Zumba, yes, my daughter invited me to her Zumba class, wow am I out of shape, but just watching her was enough. Darts, I didn't even know that I could and yet as I was invited by my son to play with him, I couldn't refuse. Multiple games played on the few days we were there and I even impressed him with my wins throwing right and left handed (my right arm got very sore). Dipping my feet in the gulf waters, while in California we went to the beach so had the Pacific Ocean already and we had visited the Atlantic several years back but I had yet to dip my feet in the gulf waters, this was accomplished. Sitting in a car while my granddaughter was at the wheel, a treat indeed. These were my firsts and hopefully there will be more times in the future. As I reflect - I'm so thankful for my family for without them I would not be the person I am today. Yes, my adult children and my grandchildren continually show me the importance of living and giving and sharing and loving. This visit revealed to me just how ALL the prayers that I had asked of the Lord for these precious children were a reality. I'm so thankful for my family and for ALL that the Lord has/is doing/will do in the lives of these precious ones. Before my prayer I have to say one last thing - the Lord placed so many lives before me to pray for them that He alone orchestrated. He loves ALL of us so much. Abba Father, thank You for Your revelations that You give, thank You for ALL things and in the midst of our everyday lives may You alone be our Sovereign Lord, Lord I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ keep asking, knocking and seeking Your Will and Your Timing in their lives but also in the lives of those they pray for. Lord embrace each one today with Your Goodness and Kindness and Faithfulness. In Jesus Name, Amen. Resting in the Lord,


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