Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Matthew 7:7-8 - Ask Seek Knock

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Last week I had three words and following that same theme this week - three words that are interconnected. I failed to relate that the three words from last week were actually a candle display that I got from my mom's belongings. I had found them in her bedroom closet some months back and placed them on her nightstand. They were moved to my house some time later and are now sitting on top of my bookcase. The candles are still wrapped in plastic and after last week's post I got to thinking - why are these candles still wrapped in plastic? So... representing my walk with the Lord seems to be that way sometimes... He has given me a gift and I have failed to unwrap it and use it. My gifts given were three action words, "faith, hope, love" and today's three words are interconnected in this way - by asking I am walking in faith; by seeking I am activating hope and in knocking I am activating Love. In faith I ask and in seeking I am hoping and in knocking I am reaching out in Love to a holy and Sovereign Lord who says, "for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." How faithful is our God that when we unwrap the gift given and activate it by igniting it He rewards in the most unimaginable ways that even if we thought we needed and desired something He goes further and supplies us with impossible to believe dreams and desires. Yes our Lord is Sovereign beyond our understanding and the mysteries He reveals when we rest and trust in Him in ALL things. Abba Father, a Good God and a Faithful God. Thank You oh Lord that Your promises are Yes and Amen. Praise to Thee that You, the Great I AM is still so much more than we can ever imagine or fathom. Oh Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she asks for... she will receive abundantly; that as she seeks for... she will find that You can do the impossible, and as she knocks for... that the doors of her heart and mind and soul will be opened to see just how rich and merciful and beautiful is her God. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings,


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