Wednesday, July 27, 2022

You Inspire Me

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Another Wednesday is upon us and what a privilege it is to be sharing my time with you this morning. It is time well spent for not only do I get to commune with you I am also spending time with the One who inspires me. He inspires me in so many ways each day that I am not even aware of it. As I awake thoughts of a new day beginning, a blank page, a clean slate, an adventurous day where I will experience... only He knows for His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts. He inspires me to draw from the living waters, He inspires me to ask for the impossible, He inspires me to seek that which He desires for me to find and He alone gives me choices which are behind doors that He opens when I knock. A day with the Lord is like none other for He inspires ALL of His children in ways that only we are able to accept and do and dream and need. Yes, He motivates, He nudges, He quietly whispers, He enters your mind and heart and directs you and me towards Him. So as you walk into your day and look upon something or hear something that stirs you and catches your attention know that it is the Creator, the Sovereign Lord who is guiding, giving, challenging, and inspiring you to "be still and know that He is God." Let us pray - Abba Father thank You that You are a good God, a God who inspires us. Lord God as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ opens her eyes to the day may she see and hear ALL that You alone inspire in her life and walk through her day with boldness and witness the glory of the Lord in all the details of her life. In Jesus Name, Amen. May His Inspiration Begin,


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