Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Making Dirt

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, My husband has been "making dirt" for several years now. It was a must when we lived on the Big Island, Hawaii. Dirt was very precious because most of the land was lava. My husband concocted from table scraps to leaves to sawdust to store bought soil and even manure and made "dirt". It was his thing and as long as our vegetables and fruits were produced I was pretty much out of the loop for all these years, until yesterday. He has a good system going - a BIG compost drum and three bins of various stages of to be dirt. As I was saying, yesterday, he needed to prepare the compost to make the dirt for the gardens and the starter trees and plants. Usually he does this but because he was having problems with his left arm limiting him I decided to help. Wow, little did I know ALL that was involved in the whole process. Between the two of us the BIG compost drum emptied and refilled and two of the bins emptied and the BIG compost drum was filled with their contents. After the first bin was emptied and onto the next I got to thinking... God is so awesome! Everything that we take for granted - yes, even dirt - He created. And in the telling of it in Genesis God spoke it into existence. By the second bin being emptied I was hoping that He would speak, "let there be dirt". How wonderful is our God and yes I know I'm sounding a little silly but even in the making of dirt, He did it ALL. Thank You Abba Father. Let us pray, Abba Father, Thank You for the air that we breathe, thank You for the water that we drink, thank You for the sunshine and the moonshine, thank You for the rain and the wind, and thank You for ALL these things that we take for granted. Lord may we be totally and utterly dependent upon You for our ALL and our EVERYTHING. Lord may we remember that You are the Potter and we are the clay and in the process of molding us into Your image may we be still and know that You are God. In Jesus Name, Amen. In the process of being transformed,


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