Wednesday, April 13, 2022

A New Word In My Vocabulary

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I have a new favorite word in my vocabulary - redirect(ing). The more that I hear it, the more comforting it becomes. This is my go-to word for living each moment at a time. One of my mother's favorites, she had quite a few by the way, was "take one day at a time", well of late I have had to "take one moment at a time." And with taking one moment at a time I have to redirect my thoughts - otherwise it becomes too overwhelming for me. With that being said, I would like to introduce you to my new word, redirect(ing). It is a kind word, an action word, a comforting word, and the best part is that it is a peaceful word. If I may take this time to redirect your thoughts today to what is happening in our reality world. Yes, we are sealed, accepted, deeply loved and always being cared for and watched over and guided and directed by the most righteous and holy and magnificent Abba Father. So today as your thoughts of whatever... be redirected to the Cross and the symbolic and significance of the precious act that Jesus did for all of mankind. Let us redirect our thoughts to Romans 8:26-38, our victory in Christ. Abba Father, all praise and glory to You alone we give You our thoughts today and Lord we ask that You redirect the thoughts that we give you and align them with Your perfect Will for our lives. May we be redirected to see only You, hear only You, comprehend the significance of who You are and who we are! Lord, thank You. I pray for our loved ones who do not understand and may they this most holy day be like the thief on the cross and see You and call upon Your Name and be saved. In Jesus Name, Amen. Being redirected one moment at a time,


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