Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Jigsaw Puzzles

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Hello to March - official month of Spring! Yes and welcoming in new sounds and colors - a morning walk hearing the birds singing and looking at the trees and ground for new life. In fact, yesterday as I was emptying the trash, as soon as I exited my screen door and stepped onto the deck, the sounds of birds chirping stopped me for a moment. So how does this opening relate to jigsaw puzzles, who might ask? My aunt is having a birthday on the 4th and her favorite hobby is putting together jigsaw puzzles. So guess what I'm getting her? After my dad passed my aunt stayed with my mom for about 8 weeks and everytime I would go to visit there was a jigsaw puzzle on the table, sometimes it was still the same one and at other times a new one. I think while she stayed with mom that at least 5 1000 pieces puzzles were completed. I was invited to help but alas after 5 or 6 pieces placed my frustration level was way too high. I realized that I hate searching for things, whether old receipts or even simple things like finding the right tool in my disorganized tool box. With that in mind I am so glad that the Lord is in control and knows every little detail and where it is and how it all holds together. Since He has planned and perfected my life and is guiding and directing and knows the beginning and the end why should I try it on my own? When my grandchildren were little I would help them with a puzzle. First there were 4 pieces to place in cut outs then we graduated to 8 pieces, I stopped when there were no longer cutouts in the puzzle. These cut outs were known as cheaters. So if you are one of those who enjoy putting together jigsaw puzzles, how wonderful for you. But for me I need to sit back and realize that it is something that I am not able to manage and stay sane. Thanking the Lord today for His putting together the jigsaw of my life and me being able to enjoy the new sounds and colors of Spring. Abba Father, Praise to You and Thank You for always and in all ways placing us where we need to be and giving us the things we need to do. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that as she walks through her day and whatever she does or sees will be the most welcoming of sounds and colors and allow You to place those into her heart and soul and mind. For only You are able to place the jigsaw puzzle pieces of our lives into the Perfect Picture. In Jesus Name, Amen. Welcoming Sounds and Colors,


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