Wednesday, March 09, 2022

A Spa Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, My husband and I have been using facial skin products for some time now and occasionally we need to take a little extra time to replenish and hydrate our skin. We live in a harsh climate and it tends to take a toll on our exposed face. We are able to cover most of our bodies with sweaters, hoodies, parkas, scarves, and gloves. And even covering the body with all the clothing it tends to dry the skin also. So with that in mind - let's have a spa day. Aww, a spa day with the Lord. Him - the bread of life for sustaining us, the living waters to quench our thirst, the Light shining on us. As we worship and come before Him and allow Him to refresh, renew, invigorate, hydrate, inspire, and fashion us into the vessel He created and purposed us to be may we wait upon Him until we are fully drenched and rested and at complete peace with ALL things. Abba Father, Heavenly God, our Creator and Perfecter. Praise and Glory to Your Name, Oh Jesus, may Your Indwelling Spirit begin to gently flow over us and bring with it a refreshing like none other. Lord may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ experience a spa day with You. Lord only you know what is needed to hydrate her mind and body and soul. Only you know what she is in want of and as she sits before You may she be drenched and completely satisfied being in Your Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen. Having a Spa Day,


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