Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Staying In Touch

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Another Wednesday has arrived and I am so glad to be able to spend my morning time with you all! I have been doing it for so long that I have forgotten why and how the Lord has given me this purpose in life. I am thankful that He has and will continue until He shuts the door. It began in the year 2002 when I felt led by the Lord to send letters of prayers to my friends from the mainland. We had moved to Hawaii in 2001 and I had not found a church or any friends so I needed the support of my friends whom I had left. My memory was that it started with twelve faithful friends. I wrote them letters each week. From there it expanded to digital communication and more and more women were added throughout the years. What started small has now grown and what started out as a need to stay in touch with my friends has now grown to more and more friends and still a need to stay in touch. By staying in touch I mean this, writing to you and hopefully when it is received my thoughts and prayers are in agreement with your thoughts and prayers. I know this because it is written, "For here two or three are gathered together in my Name, I am in their midst." What a wonderful and gracious God, time and space have no boundaries with Him. So as I write these words just know that God is in my Presence and as you read know that He is also in your midst. I love how our Lord continually stays in touch with us. Abba Father, Praise to Thee that You are a God who is in our midst. O Lord I pray that as we find ways of staying in touch with each other that You are the one we desire to be in our midst. Wherever we go may You be in our midst. May each dear and precious sister-in-Christ be encouraged today, be refreshed today, be renewed today, be filled with the fruit of the Spirit today, be reminded of Your presence in her midst. In Jesus Name, Amen. Staying in Touch,


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