Wednesday, July 07, 2021


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Our main street is being resurfaced and it is taking a long time and is a real nuisance. First all the side roads are CLOSED, second getting to your appointment, which is located on Main Street is a mess. Since I was coming from one side of town I needed to cross Main Street which meant watching for the BIG trucks then walking across rocky covered tar. I had to leave my shoes outside the office so that I didn't get the tar on the doctor's carpet. I got to thinking this morning - isn't it wonderful that when the Lord resurfaces our lives that it is in the blink or even better less than the blink of an eye. Yes, His resurfacing, filling the worn out, the potholes, the unevenness of our lives is instantaneous. In fact, for when we confess our sins before Him He is faithful to forgive us. That's all that happens. That is Grace. No heavy equipment needed. No black tar. No dumping of pebbles. No BIG rollers needed to smooth down the roughness. No waiting for it to adhere. It is even better than that - it is a new birth, yes indeed for with God all things are possible. For it is written, "But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loves us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus." How great is our God! Abba Father, All of Creation cries out to You, All things and Lord we cry out to You today, confessing our sins, those areas that are worn out and pitted and filled with potholes, areas that have weakened our resolve, our faith, our trust in You. Oh Lord forgive us and make us new today. Fill us with ALL the fulness of You once again. Lord thank You that when we cry out to You that it is not in vain. You have heard our cries, You have seen our tears, You have felt our pain. Praise to thee oh Lord. May Your tender mercies be abundant and also evident in our lives today. In Jesus Name, Amen. Resurfaced by His Grace,


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