Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Some Things Never Get Old

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, There are some things that never get old, honestly, for me it is - standing by the seashore or by a river or by a waterfall. You guessed it, water. Even watching how the swimming pool water reflects as the sun or the wind or the clouds or even when raindrops hit the surface. And the colors of water - clear or muddy or blackish or glacier aquamarine or the waterfalls rainbows as the sun is reflected on it. Yes, it never gets old. Whenever I am near water I am mesmerized by its beauty. I can't even fathom the beauty and the purity of the Lord. He is the Living Waters, even the voice is like rushing waters. How many times has He delivered - the parting of the Red Sea, the parting of the Jordan river, the woman at the well, the striking of the rock, and baptism. I'm sure that you also have had many different experiences with water and also in your life there are some things that never get old. Abba Father, at the beginning of the foundations Your Spirit was moving over the surface of the waters. Praise to thee O Lord. Thank You for sustaining us and purifying us and being the Living Water. The Living Water that is ALL we need, Jesus, yes, hallelujah for pouring Your Spirit into our lives. O LORD, I pray as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ thirsts that You would satisfy her every desire, every need, every want and every dream. Lord as she drinks, as she soaks, as she cleanses, as she lifts up her cup may it be filled to overflowing and may it be that very precious "some things that never get old" in her life. No matter where she is physically, mentally or spiritually may Your Living Water be like a fresh spring flowing into her very being. In Jesus Name, Amen. The Living Water Cascading Over Me,


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