Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Lingering Effects

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Several years ago, a friend's coffee shop burned to the ground. In the aftermath of that tragedy we experienced the lingering effects of not only the fire itself but something more impactful. What comes after the fire! My friend asked neighbors and friends to help clean the land because she was a talented jeweler and much of her craft work was also burned. Silver and gold and precious gems and beads and crystals; the things jewelry makers acquire. I joined her one afternoon with shovel in hand, and went to the place where she had her jewelry counter where all her created pieces were encased to be sold. Digging deep under the surface we saw something shiny, removing the ashes and dirt fused together were pieces of beads and chains. My friend said that she would take it and make something special for me. I still have it and it is a reminder that there are lingering effects to tragedies and if we did deep we will find treasures that leave us with beauty and joy and memories of friendship and love. Abba Father, Glorious Lord, our most Sovereign Creator. Praise You and thank You that Your Presence lingers with us. Holy Spirit we aren't even aware of Your lingering over us but... Yes, but He is in our midst and the effects of His lingering are evident in our lives. The fruits are easy to witness in others and hopefully the effects of our lives upon others will leave lingering fruit in their lives too. I pray that, as you go about your daily routine or maybe something has come up in your life that is causing delays or maybe discomfort, the lingering effects will be so profound and awesome. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings for Lingering Effects,


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