Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Different Time Zones

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, We all live in different time zones! From east to west and all around the world. When I lived in Hawaii, calling my family on the mainland was very difficult because they were scattered across the country from Pacific to Mountain to Central to Eastern and then when daylight savings time came adjustments needed to be made once again. But thankfully we are in God's Time Zone, It is written, "But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day." (2 Peter 3:8) Yes, we are each living in different time zones but yet with the Lord our time is all the same time - it is His Time. We live in the world and with its limitations set as to which time it is depending on your location however our mind and spirit is dependent on God's timing. In the beginning of your day, when you look at the clock to see what time it is, and arise may your time be eternal rather than temporal. Yes, wait for the Lord's timing - He is never too early or too late - His timing is perfect! Abba Father, Praise Thee and thank Thee for Your perfect timing. O, LORD, may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, Trust in Your divine timing. O, LORD may her time zone be forever centered on the eternal. LORD bless her day and her night and Lord as she lives out her day with limited time schedules that need to be met may she always turn to You for a resetting of her eternal time zone. In Jesus Name, Amen. Trusting on the Lord's Timing,

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Luke 1:37 - TRUST

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Tucked away in between the stories of the gospel are some earth shattering and wow words which stir the heart to once again TRUST. Yesterday's reading was Luke 1 which told about John the Baptist and Jesus' births. The visit from Gabriel the angel who stands in the Presence of God. Two miraculous consummations: one from a dried up womb the other from a virgin. In the reading of the Word there is always a time when you are so wrapped up in the story that your mind is swept away with so many questions about this and that and then a rest comes to stop you for just a brief moment and get a glimpse of who is the great I AM. Luke 1:37 is just that verse - "For nothing will be impossible with God." Yes as these days of 2020 keep being longer and longer may there be a time in your day that you know in your body and mind and soul that "for nothing will be impossible with God." Abba Father, How great and marvelous and wonderful Thou art! O LORD of Goodness and Mercy and Righteousness and Grace thank You! Lord so many troubled and at the same time humbled hearts are before Thee this day. LORD may we as Your dear and precious children come and when we do You embrace us with such Love that it causes our hearts to soar and in deep gratitude cry out - "for nothing will be impossible with God" and once again TRUST. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Lifting Hands in TRUST,

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Genesis 3:8

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I was talking to a dear and precious sister-in-Christ on the phone yesterday and she was asking if I needed to have a personal protection device for when I go out walking in the morning. I told her that I had a whistle to scare away the bears and/or mountain lions that frequent my walking paths. I also told her that occassionally (weather permitting, of course) sit on my bench by the stream that runs along the side of our property in the morning further explaining that I heard the sound of footsteps unfamiliar to me and looked up to see who it might be and the gentelman walking down the alley lane was someone that I had never seen before. Her and I laughed at that - me because at that moment I realized that it is quiet enough to recognize the sounds of the neighbor walking her dog, the children walking to school, and the neighbor who walks early in the morning. Yes, not even realizing that I knew those sounds and felt at ease but with the sound of the footsteps of the man I did not recognize where I was uncomfortable. This morning, this verse came to my mind: Genesis 3:8, "They (Adam and Eve) heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden." They heard, they were familiar with the sound of His footsteps. It must have been an everyday occurance, something that was welcomed. How about you, do you recognize the sound of... and does the sound cause you to hide or maybe look up to see who it is? Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to your name. O, LORD how Gracious and Kind and Faithful, how can we even fathom the length and breadth and depth and height of Your Love for us. LORD I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her days be filled with the welcoming sounds of Your Whispers speaking Truth and kindness into her heart, may she bind them around her neck, and write them on the tablet of her heart. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Blessings of Joy,
LyndiaSue P.S. I also wanted to ask for prayer today for my son and for my aunt. Last Wednesday my son called to tell us that he had tested positive for COVID, the same day that I was going in to be tested. Yesterday my aunt was tested positive with COVID and I heard back from the doctor's office that I was negative. My prayer request is that they would recover quickly with no side effects.

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Speak, LORD, for Your Servant Hears

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I posted on Instagram the other day two photos taken on my morning walk. One photo was of the moon high up in the sky and the other was of the sun. I labeled it the greater light and the lesser light. Yes, for it is written, "God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night: He made the stars also." (Genesis 1:16) This morning preparing for this post and reading in Ephesians 5:13, "But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light." Last night in the reading of my devotional, this verse, 1 Sam. 3:9, jumped off the page. Three verses, seemingly unrelated right, BUT ... I love the simplicity of the WORD of God, yes, my finite mind sees them as unrelated, but... NOT so... The LORD is speaking, is asking, "What is the word that the LORD has said to you?" (1 Sam.3:17) We have the day(light) and the night(light) which makes everything visible. Yes, everything is made visible by the light! This day as the greater light shines in your life and this evening as the lesser light shines in your life may the things that the Lord desires to be visible may Your ears to attentive to hearing the whispers from the Lord calling you, singing to you, quickening your heart and mind and soul once again, may you remember "the word that the LORD has said to you and whether in the greater light or the lesser light know that both were made by the great I AM and are of value and to be treasured. Abba Father, Praise thee for the Light, O LORD, thank You that in the lives of the dear and precious sisters-in-Christ that You desire to speak, to shine Your Light, to make visible everything. Lord I pray that each one would open their ears to hear Your whispers, that in the hearing of Your Truth that the words will be lighted up and made visible for them to know and understand and trust and hope and be at peace today and all of their days. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Let Your Light Shine,