Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Luke 1:37 - TRUST

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Tucked away in between the stories of the gospel are some earth shattering and wow words which stir the heart to once again TRUST. Yesterday's reading was Luke 1 which told about John the Baptist and Jesus' births. The visit from Gabriel the angel who stands in the Presence of God. Two miraculous consummations: one from a dried up womb the other from a virgin. In the reading of the Word there is always a time when you are so wrapped up in the story that your mind is swept away with so many questions about this and that and then a rest comes to stop you for just a brief moment and get a glimpse of who is the great I AM. Luke 1:37 is just that verse - "For nothing will be impossible with God." Yes as these days of 2020 keep being longer and longer may there be a time in your day that you know in your body and mind and soul that "for nothing will be impossible with God." Abba Father, How great and marvelous and wonderful Thou art! O LORD of Goodness and Mercy and Righteousness and Grace thank You! Lord so many troubled and at the same time humbled hearts are before Thee this day. LORD may we as Your dear and precious children come and when we do You embrace us with such Love that it causes our hearts to soar and in deep gratitude cry out - "for nothing will be impossible with God" and once again TRUST. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Lifting Hands in TRUST,


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