Wednesday, June 03, 2020

2 Corinthinans 4:18

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I had to giggle this morning because... As with each Wednesday, I have not a single idea, or should I say nothing comes to mind as to what I should post. This morning was no different and the reason for the giggles was because as I was thinking, God reminded me in such a gentle way, "How many times do I have to tell you that I alone will provide the words once you place your hands on the keyboard." I immediately started to giggle and said, "everytime Lord!" And yes, I need reminding every day, all day, and then some more during the day. My LORD is ALL! Our LORD is ALL. He is ALL! Always has been, always will be, and always is!!

As we enter into the month of June may it be filled with JOY. Fabulous JOY, flourishing JOY, expectant JOY, exuberant JOY, luscious JOY, bountiful JOY and embracing JOY. Godly JOY - Jesus, Others, Yourself - Forver eternal JOY.

Not looking at the seen which is temperal but looking at the unseeen which is eternal!!

Abba Father,

Glorious and mighty and beyond all that we can imagine, how marvelous are Your ways and Your thoughts, beyond all comprehension.
Lord thank You that You fill each of us with JOY, Yes Your Joy, which embraces us with Life and Truth and Hope and Love. A Love that is so vast and cannot be contained, or drained, or depleted, or destroyed, or marred, or covered. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her day(s) ahead would be filled with Your Joy that bubbles up inside her and she begins to giggle. And with the giggles comes the thankfulness in knowing that she is the daughter of the King and so much more. She is deeply and intimately known and may she find Joy in something small everyday of her life. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Giggling today,



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