Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Little Thing Called FAITH - Hebrews 11:1

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The last Wednesday in May and I am happy to report that the lilacs are starting to bloom. The winter was so harsh this year coupled with the virus crisis it seemed almost unimaginable that it would and yet hoping that it would.

A little thing called Faith. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

A memory to share: We were living in a small town in Washington many years back - I needed to hang the clothes on the line to dry and asked my husband if the big black cloud would reach us any time soon, looking at the cloud, he said I had a few hours. Shortly after that my sister-in-law called to say that Mount Saint Helens had erupted. The big black cloud did not contain moisture but ash and lots of it. The town we were living in was the direct path that the cloud traveled and a few hours later the ash began to fall.

We then prepared, as best we could, to keep the ash from coming into our small home and waited until it passed. The next morning as as we looked out our windows at the bushes and trees and neighbors houses at the devastation, my husband said to me, which has stuck in my mind so vividly, "you know that this is not going to melt." At the time I didn't understand exactly what he meant but several days later it became apparent. It looked a little like dirty snow and heavier and we had lived in areas where the snow had fallen and busted trees and bushes but eventually the sun came out and it melted. Volcanic Ash does not melt.

I know that it is small in comparison to what is happening now globally, but still I started to get that same feeling a few weeks ago and realized that I was going to need more Faith because of the example of the snow versus volcanic ash. It is not going to be the same.

Abba Father,

We come before Your Throne of Grace this morning and give You all the honor and glory and praise. We thank You for this day and will rejoice for you have made it. Lord thank You for giving us breath for today, thank you for the new day filled with tender mercies. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she be anointed with your precious gift of Faith, the kind of faith that clings to, adheres to, fastens to, glues to, and hangs on no matter what or where or when or how. Oh Lord may her countenance be one that her family and friends want to have, may her beauty come from you, may her mind be as the mind of Christ. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Blessings my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,



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