Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Psalm 85:10

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Those who came to vacation in Hawaii and us who lived there were told to wait for the green flash of the sunset, I was the same until...

People would gather at the shoreline or sit on the famous wall along Alii Drive and wait for the sun to set hoping to see the "green flash."

One special night, after a long, very long and hectic day at work I decided to take a drive along Alii Drive around sunset to settle me down for the evening. The sun was beginning to settle down onto the horizon and it was at that moment that it became so peacefully still. The heat of the sun reflected off of the cool of the ocean water. It hovered over and I was mesmerized by the beauty and sweetness and gentleness of the first dip when the sun sweetly touched the water. It was the most beautiful kiss I had ever seen. After seeing it once I wanted to see again and again and again. As it touched, at the same time I was so moved by the sight I was completely at peace knowing that the day had ended and it had ended with a kiss.

Today's verse - "Lovingkindness (Mercy) and Truth have met together; Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other." Psalm 85:10

Abba Father,

Most Glorious and Merciful God, Thank You that in our need and want and desire and lack and plenty and health and sickness and doubt and fear and gratefulness and anxiousness and confidence and lack there of, You sweetly and intimately touch us. Lord I pray for Your Touch today as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ faces her day. May she see where Your "Mercy and Truth have met together" and where "Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other", and rejoice and be filled with such Joy and Hope. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Being Touched by Him,



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