Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Being Blanketed by the Holy Spirit

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

As I look out my front window this morning I can see that my across the street neighbor, who is an 87 year old lady, has already cleared the snow from her front door to the street. The sound of the snow removal trucks and smaller vehicles interrupts the silence of the large flakes of snow falling. As I continue to watch the snow fall, the path cleared is now being covered and unless she tends to it quickly there will not be a trace of her hard work from early this morning.

Does life sometimes feel that way? You have cleared a path, you have removed that which can hinder, you have taken care of it and yet all your hard work is being covered up once again. Do you sometimes say, "but Lord I have been working so hard on this."

Oh, dear and precious sisters-in-Christ how Gracious is our Lord, how Gentle is our Lord, that He is a God who knows the Beginning to the End and all the in between so as you work hard or if you ignore or if you wait He is in the midst of it all.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to Thee our Great and Sovereign Lord. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that keeps flowing through us. How rich is Your Grace that no matter the circumstances, the things that hinder our walk with You, the things that we have cleared away and yet come back again and again, Your Love poured out prevails. Lord I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ keeps her eyes upon You and TRUST in Your unfailing Faithfulness and walk into her day being blanketed by the Holy Spirit. I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.




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