Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Whatever You Are Doing-Keep Doing

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I had my annual medical check-up a couple of weeks ago and discovered that the blood tests hadn't been done for at least two years, so said tests were ordered. I have been feeling very well, (thank You Lord) but still they are one of the requirements. The doctors office called to say that my results were GREAT and for my vitamin D level - whatever I'm doing- keep doing.

Yes, that was good news - whatever I'm doing keep doing. Do you sometimes feel that what you are doing is the right thing?

Walking with the Lord is so amazing and yet I find myself wondering if what I am doing is the right thing.

Getting the news from the doctor's office was a subtle reminder to me that my walk with the Lord is so unique and personal and intimate that He alone gives me what I need and desire and even when I don't even realize it He still gives and loves and directs and guides me.

I pray that your walk with the Lord is so very special today and everyday that He whispers in your heart that whatever you are doing-keep doing.

Abba Father, how awesome in Love and Power and Majesty, Thank you Lord that You direct and guide and anoint and bless and plan and purpose our lives so beautifully and lovely that we lift our hands in Praise to thee. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that Your Beauty would be Limitless, Your Love would be Abounding, Your Goodness would be overwhelming in their lives. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.




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