Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Three Random Thoughts and a Prayer

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

1) I have a serious problem - let me tell you about it. I love the smell of leather!!! My children remember the times that we went to the outlet malls and I just had to walk into the Coach Store just to smell the leather. I have little pieces of leather strapping wrapped around one of my lamps so that when it is on the heat of the light causes the leather to permeate the air. I have no idea when I started or how it got started but it lingers on and on. Do you have something that just tugs at your heart and senses which compels you to linger just a little longer, causes you to be still and breath it in or even stop for awhile.

2) I had to have a basel cell carcinoma removed a week ago and it turned out that in my waiting to see if it would go away it had grown in size that many stitches were needed to repair the hole created in cutting it out. Because I have been very limited in my movements and exercising this week and really not even wanting to do much of anything. I was very comfortable in just laying and relaxing and resting on my couch or bed. Taking a breather from the hustle and bustle of life.

3) I bought myself a little inspirational booklet a few months ago, "Love Who You Are" and I pulled it from my bookshelf this morning while thinking of what to post - Flipping through the pages I landed on, a picture of two feet firmly planted on the ground and the saying, "You are right where you belong", so on that thought...

Abba Father,

We come before your throne of Grace and thank You and Praise You for loving us and for covering us with the Robe of Righteousness. Lord, as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ prepares for her day may she be overwhelmed by Your Beauty and Your Sweet smelling Fragrance, may she take a breather and limit her movements to Rest and Trust in Your Power and Peace and sense Your Presence, and may she be firmly planted on solid and holy ground and know that You have placed her right where she belongs. I pray this in the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names. Amen

Blessings my dear friends,



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