Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Being a Joy and Delight to Others

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I would like to share with you about my mom. She is 87 years old and has been diagnosed with dementia. Naturally me and my brothers were devastated. We were trying to deal with the loss of our father and mom had always been healthy and able to take care of our dad that she was overlooked all the time. Sad but true. It has been a little over a year since my dad has passed and now I am learning how to love my mom. Each greeting on the phone and each greeting face to face is such a delight. My mom is a Joy and a Delight to be around. She always has advice and tips on being kind and when she tells you something, even it is 10 times in a row, it is so sincere. Mom is adorable and sincere and lovable and kind. That is my mom!!!

I just felt that I needed to say these things this morning. So I guess with the telling of my relationship with my mom I would also like to be that kind of person who is "being a Joy and Delight to Others". Yes one who with each greeting on the phone or by social media and each greeting face to face is such a delight. I fail so many times and yet I will continue to strive to be a blessing unto others.

Abba Father, thank You and Praise You, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that in her life she would be a woman who is "being a Joy and Delight to Others", may Your Light shine in her heart, may Your Holy Spirit empower her to be bold in her worshipping of thee, may Your Peace abound in her life that she is able to soothe the harshest of words, may Your Provision be enough that she is content in what she has and may Your Love surround her very fibers enabling her to forgive and trust. I ask in the Precious Name of Jesus, the name above all names, Amen.

Striving on Being a Joy and Delight to Others,



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