Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Seasons - Spring

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I needed some medical attention so off to the big city, which is 126 miles away. Since the roads were clear of ice and snow was hoping that the drive would be pleasant. It was so got to put my wildlife seeing eyes on and was not disappointed at all. Sighted bald eagles, falcons, hawks, pheasants, wild turkeys, antelope, and white-tail and mule deer. There is one particular spot on the drive where a bald eagle rests on top of the telephone pole. The way he sits on top of the pole it seems to me that he is the sentry overlooking all who pass and bid them safe passage. I feel that if I see him sitting there that all will be well on our journey. In our seasons of life is there something that you hope to see that will assure you of safe passage?

Spring a season of sprouting!!!

Abba Father,

Thank you for the seasons in our lives, for those who have longed for the Spring to come may they be blessed with a new sprouting of the gifts that have lain dormant these passed few days or weeks or months or even years. May they feel the warmth of spring, the thawing of the cold and begin to sense Your Presence in their lives. May they begin to stretch forth in their hopes and dreams and ideas and imaginations and inspirations and ask for Your Peace and Power and Provision in their lives. Lord bless them richly in the season of Spring. I ask in the Name of Jesus the name above all names, Amen.




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