Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Psalm 16:9,11 Therefore my Heart

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have been waiting for the local outdoor ice skating rink to open. I saw some activity two weekends ago, but did not see anyone around. Last Saturday I drove by on my way to a meeting and IT WAS OPEN!! I talked to a couple of my hockey guys and found out that I hadn't missed very much, it had only been open for a week and they wondered where I had been and invited me to go home and get my skates and come join in the fun. I told them that I had a meeting to go to and would come on Sunday.

Sunday morning arrived, the sun was shining, the temperature was 27 degrees and out the door I went down to the ice rink. It is only 5 blocks away from my house. Putting on my skates my doubts began. It had been several months since I had worn my ice skates and been on the ice with them on. Would I be able to stand up, would I be able to skate without falling. I had the whole rink to myself so what if I fell and no one would find me for several hours. Wow, all these doubtful thoughts - what was I thinking. But then... stepping out on the ice, as my left foot blade touches the ice, my body settles down, my thoughts gather to the feel of the blades on the ice and I begin. After the first lap around and into the second a still small voice, "Do you trust that I AM with you and have heard your doubts and your fears?" My response, "Yes, Lord forgive me for doubting and fearing." An hour and a half later my legs were getting tired but I wanted to continue. My legs won so off the ice I went.

How easily I am ready to be doubtful and to have fears!! What if I had taken those doubts and fears and did not go out on the ice? But I did and the experience was rewarding and amazing. The scripture verses for today are so meaningful for me, "Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope. You will show me the path of life; In Your Presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." How magnificent is our Heavenly Father!!

Abba Father, Praise and Glory to thee this day as we gather together. Lord as we come before Your Presence may all of our doubts and our fears be laid aside and may we boldly proclaim this: "Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope. You will show me the path of life; In Your Presence is fullness of Joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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