Wednesday, June 28, 2017

My Wednesday Morning Prayer

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My daughter gave me a book a couple of years ago as a Christmas present titled, "Giraffes Can't Dance" by Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees.

I think that out of all the animals that God created the absolute best one that He made was the Giraffe, that is how much I love giraffes.

So back to the book. First of all it is the compact, hard covered, waterproof and stain resistant one. It is made of double strong cardboard and is small enough to fit in my backpack. Second, it was one of the books that I kept when we were packing up and moving from Hawaii to the mainland. Third, fourth and fifth, it is about a giraffe.

While waiting for my morning drink the other day, it was on the bookshelf of the local coffee shop. I picked it up and began to read and remembered why I like it so. Yes, the obvious is the magnificent giraffe, Gerald, is his name, and why should it even be a concern that he can't dance?

As I selected this book for today's posting, flipping through the pages my eye was drawn to the following, "Gerald simply froze up. He was rooted to the spot. They're right, he thought. I'm useless. Oh, I feel like such a clot.

How many times I have simply froze up in a situation and completely forgot that "who I am" is not dependent on what others think or say but in the fact that I am the daughter of the King. He created me to be unique and His. He loves me and is jealous over me and He even gives me the dreams and desires and needs and wants. Wow, how wonderful that each and every one of us have been created by God, the creator of all things. And when He has planned and purposed your life He will continually keep you until the end of time.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory to thee, oh most Holy Father, thank You that You gave Your only begotten Son to die for all of mankind, oh Your most Holiest and righteous of plans for all of us. Lord I pray today for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, that Your Son, Jesus Christ would continually be upon her lips in praise and in her heart to inspire her and in her mind to build her up in the boldness to proclaim that Jesus Christ is LORD of lords, and KING of kings and that in His Strength she can do all things and He will keep her in prefect Peace which passes all understanding, In the Precious Name of JESUS, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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