Wednesday, June 14, 2017

No Expiration Date

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I began my day by opening the curtains and seeing that there was a dark cloud over the city and my plans to go swimming this morning are probably not going to happen. Aw, so sad because there are only so many days that I will be able to go swimming because the pool is open from first of June until the end of August. There is an expiration date!! Not that I actually pay much attention to expiration dates anyway. Especially canned foods and packaged foods, right? Now how can I apply this example to my prayer life?

God's Word says to pray without ceasing and that to keep asking and seeking and knocking, but I do not do this very faithfully. I tend to start my day with good intentions but by the end of the morning I seem to go my own way. Then again at bedtime I read my devotional and say goodnight. So many times I place an expiration date on something but that is not what God says to do. To change my thinking I must remain in His Presence even when the world (my everyday experiences) is trying to keep me in the moment. Especially in the new place He has placed me. My life is simple and yet I try to complicate it so many times and in so many ways. I want my prayer life to not have an expiration date!! How about you?

Abba Father, I come before Your Holy and most Sovereign Throne of Grace and Worship You. For You are most Holy, You change not, You are forever and ever. LORD, thank you for my life. For in You it has no expirattion date! Lord I come before Your Throne of Grace asking for Your favor to be liberally applied to each dear sister-in-Christ's day. For You tell us that Your tender mercies are new every morning. Oh Lord may Your tender mercies flow so richly in their hearts and minds today that they are so overwhelmed by Your Kindness and Goodness and Faithfulness. May Your Favor be upon them. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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