Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

There's a BIG and ENORMOUS Cottonwood Tree that's been growing beside our house for years and years and years. When we bought the house we knew that it would need to come down but trying to find someone who would/could do was a big task for us. After asking and finally contacting someone who would/could possibly do it, we found a guy who gave us another guy and guess what? The guy that could/would do it was the same guy who had trimmed it about 12 years ago. Isn't this world so very small? I just love how things seem to come together in the most amazing of ways. Our God is Wonderful and Marvelous and Amazing and Everything. This guy lacked the confidence to get the job done and worried and worried until he came over and decided that he would do it. I told him not to worry about it because God will take care of it. His response, "I don't get along with the guy upstairs very well," to which I replied, "I do and that is good enough." Him and his team started yesterday and will finish this afternoon. I've been watching periodically and each time the guy gives me the thumbs up after he has taken down a BIG limb. I just love our LORD so much!!! How amazing of our LORD that He places people in our lives that truly need to know HIM.

Abba Father, how Great is Your Love for ALL, Thank you, oh Lord, that You place people in our lives that we get to show them who You are and how Wonderful You are. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that her life be surrounded by things that are impossible, yes, impossible, for when the impossible shows up it is then that the miracles begin to be manifested in their lives. In the preicous name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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