Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Beauty of the Lord

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Slept in a little later this morning and wondered why until I got up and looked at the temperature gauge (-18) yes, minus eighteen degrees. My first thought was to go back to bed but decided that I had gone to all that work of waking up so might as well start the day. Then realized that it was Wednesday, Yes a good day for me because I get to share the day with all of you. How good is that?!

So with hands upon the keys and my heart humbled before God ... Each new day a word is given either through the reading of my devotional and/or my bible since the beginning of the year. Yesterday the word was beauty. The beauty of the Lord was so apparent yesterday - it was displayed to me by witnessing the snow/ice that had collected on the barren tree branches. To me it looked so beautiful and the more I looked at the three trees before me the sight of them brought a smile and a sigh that filled my senses and I was at peace. The morning was hectic with a crisis that was completely out of my control and seeing this kind of beauty displayed was enough to give me His Peace. I was thanking the Lord for such beauty and with my mom by my side I was even more thankful.

Oh, that His Beauty would shine in our hearts and shine in our eyes as we encounter each of our days. They are a blessing, yes even the -18 degrees, they are filled with His Tender Mercies.

Abba Father, Praise Thee and Thank Thee for your most blessed tender mercies. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today that her moments be filled with Your Beauty; that all she sees throughtout her day is how Your Beauty is displayed in the most amazing of ways. That each dear sister-in-Christ would embrace You in her thoughts and actions and begin to live a life of beauty. In the Precious Name of Jesus.

Embracing All That The Lord Has Already Given,



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