Wednesday, February 01, 2017

GOD IS BIGGER - Lessons from Three Falls

Greeting dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Ah, the starting of a new month. I just love it when my Wednesday morning prayers to all of you start at the beginning of the month. For some reason it seems to be a new start or a new beginning where God will reveal more and more of Himself. Excited about the short month of February. I'd like to take you back to last Friday and share about how amazing and wonderful is our LORD.

After the scheduled lunch with my cousin, we went over to a trailer that she has recently been gifted and was in the process of cleaning it up. As we walked through the rooms she cautioned me about stepping in the holes created by the plumber who had been repairing leaks. The third one that we came to, I stepped aside and unknowingly fell through the floor. Surprised to find myself on the floor with one leg dangling through, my cousin was even more surprised. I told her that I had stepped where the flooring was but as we discovered it was only covering the rest of the hole. I prayed right away that the Lord would not allow me to be hurt for my cousin was very concerned. Thankfully I felt no pain anywhere and she helped me get up and we continued on our way. The third time she asked if I was okay I told her that I was and would continue to be because I had prayed. The first fall.

I knew that I wanted to finish off my day with ice skating, so down to the ice rink I go. The ice was beautiful and the rink was very active with men and women, boys and girls, toddlers to adults. I started my normal routine of skating around the rink to familiarize myself with the feel of the ice. When I get on the ice I always ask God to keep me from falling for that was my biggest fear of falling and breaking something or maybe even causing worse damage to my body. Feeling very confident with my stride I decided to go just a little bit faster when suddenly I felt my right toe pick connect to the ice and the next thing I know I am on the ice. A woman and her son came over and asked if I was okay and helped me get up. I did not feel any pain, only embarrassment, so continued to skate. The second time around, in the same spot, my left foot flew out and down I went again, this time backwards and landing on my left hip area. The same woman came over to ask the same questions, this time I told her I was not okay and took her hand to help me get up and walked off the ice. I was crying because it hurt and I couldn't believe that it had happened. My left hip was starting to cause me pain. It was after my husband looked at my painful spots and told me that nothing was broken and if I wanted to keep the swelling to apply ice packs to the different areas.

Now for the best part of my adventurous Friday!! I had to ask our awesome God to forgive me for limiting Him, for in my praying that He keep me from falling I was limiting Him in my life. For He had so much more to pour into my life. He is BIGGER than my fears, my anxities, my doubts, my wants, my desires, my dreams, my thoughts, and my life. His Healing Grace and Tender Mercies are more and more and more..

Yes, I have bruises and still have some painful spots but realizing that He is Faithful and Merciful and Glorious and LOVES me far more than I can ever fathom. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ may His Love and Healing Grace and Tender Mercies fill you up this day and in the days ahead as you seek Him. He longs to lavish you with His Love and pour into you Him and Him alone.

Gracious Lord, I thank You this day and I pray for each dear and preicous sister-in-Christ that all she longs for in her life that she will say that You are Sufficient and walk in confidence that whatever is going on in her life You have it already taken care of in the most loving and amazing of ways. In the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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