Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hang It On The Cross

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

For the third time since we moved into this house I have moved the contents of my writing, creating, and dreaming room into another area of the house. The reason being was to finish painting the walls and completing the redecorating and making it my own space. It is nearly finished, hooray.

This being Easter (Holy) Week - I found a bookmark and would like to share in my post today,

Hang It On The Cross by Lisa O. Engelhardt
If you have a secret sorrow, a burden or a loss, An aching need for healing... Hang It On The Cross
If worry steals your sleep and makes you turn and toss, If your heart is feeling heavy... Hang It On The Cross
Every obstacle to Faith or doubt you come across, every Prayer unanswered... Hang It On The Cross
For Christ has borne our brokenness and dearly paid the cost to turn our trials to triumph... Hanging On The Cross.

I pray that as you witness, once again, the significance of Jesus Christ hanging on the Cross that He alone is our Deliverer and our Savior. May this week be of the greatest significance in Your life and all other things pale in comparison to Him. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Abba Father, we lift our hands and bow our hearts in one accord and proclaim that Jesus Christ, your son, is our Savior. Thank You Abba Father for our very existence in You. Praise You Jesus for saving us and loving us and keeping us. Your Name is Precious.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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