Wednesday, February 15, 2017

You Are A Gift

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My cousin was recently given a mobile home and was told that it was not in the best of condition. Shortly after it was purchased, and while still in the restoring and cleaning up process, she took me over to see it. OH MY and there is no way that this place can be restored was my first and second and third thoughts as she lead me through each room. She and her sister had been working on it for a couple of weeks so two days ago we (my husband and I) were out and we drove past the place and my cousin was there and invited us in.

Seeing some of the things that had been removed from the mobile home on the front porch and remembering in my mind what the place had looked like I had the mindset that I really didn't want to go in to see all the work that had been done.

I was so surprised!!! The transformation of the place; the two of them had cleared and cleaned and repaired and stripped the old and was in the process of replacing new flooring and toilets and curtains and plumbing and electrical and other stuff. A totally different picture is in my mind now. My cousin saw the potential of this place and she had a reason to have it restored because her mother and her brother would be living in the place. She wanted to give this as a loving gift to her mom and brother.

Our Great and Mighty God He gives us each new day and fills it with Tender Mercies and commands us to rejoice because this is the day that He has made. My life is a gift and when I look at it as a totally destroyed or in need of too much repair I want to throw it away but the LORD clears and cleans and repairs and strips all the old away and transformed me into something beautiful and lovely and acceptable. How much more that His Loving Hands and Heart and Spirit have done the renewing. You are a loving gift who has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Hallelujah and Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray for each and dear precious sister-in-Christ, that her name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. She is so precious to You that You give her a new day in which to live a life of beauty and confidence and blessed assurance. Praise thee oh Lord!!

Embracing All That Has Already Been Given,



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