Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Expression of Thoughts

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The best way to describe this past week is a "going around the bend" experience. My favorite Aunt passed away last Wednesday very unexpectedly. I thought that one of the reasons the Lord brought us here to Lewistown was for me to spend quality time with my parents and my favorite Aunt.

She has two daughters who are my cousins and right away I knew that I needed to comfort them. I was asked by one daughter to be of help by assisting some of the daughters and some of the grandchildren when they got up to read some of their stories about their mom and grandmother at the memorial.

All of them were confident the morning of the memorial so I told them that I would sit beside the podium and if they needed me to assist them I was there. I began to prepare myself but as it turned out each one that came forward looked at me and gathered themselves and were able to express their thoughts, even in the midst of tears. As I listened to each story told about "my favorite aunt" and how expressive were each of these grandchildren's thoughts towards their grandmother I was able to enjoy our times together.

This past week has left me with one question, How does one express their thoughts?

Abba Father, thank You for all the times that were quaility time with my favorite aunt. Lord for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ I pray that their quality time with family and friends and the way they express their thoughts would bring glory to Your Name. May they TRUST You in every circumstance and depend on the Holy Spirit to guide them. Lord God may Your Peace be upon them as they live out this Glorious day that You have filled with Your Tender Mercies. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given



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