Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Greeting Cards

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It is very hard for me to pass by the greeting cards section. For now my favorite brand is Papyrus! The uniqueness of each card captures my attention.

The one that I am looking at now I found several months ago at our local Safeway store. It is a birthday card and the front has an elephant holding a flower in his trunk, on top of him is an alligator, on top of her is a hippo and on top is my favorite a giraffe and a bird is sitting on the back of the giraffe. The sentiment inside - "Because you are ridiculously AWESOME! Happy Birthday."

Honestly what drew my attention to is was the giraffe and then the sentiment. Can I tell you that you are ridiculously AWESOME. Yes you dear and precious sister-in-Christ. It is written is Psalm 119:73, "Thy hands have made me and fashioned me:..." and Psalm 139:14-16. How can you not be ridicuoulously AWESOME?

Abba Father,

We come before Your Throne of Grace and cry out to thee, oh most Sovereign LORD may Your Grace and Mercy be evident in our lives, may we seek to know thee more and more and in the seeking may You draw us closer and closer to thee. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ this day and this week as she lives out her day striving to be a woman who walks in obedience to You. In the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen.

May your week be filled with JOY and PEACE.



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