Wednesday, April 06, 2016


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

We each have a different scent given to us - I just took off of my bookshelf a book that caught my attention and have referenced it a few times - "The Language of Flowers" by Sheila Pickles, publishers Harmony Books, New York.

I leafed through the pages looking for an inspirational flower to reference, however none jumped out at me. I got to the last page - The author wrote this, "The Language of Flowers has been scented for your pleasure with Violetta", ... and "Ever since the time of the Ancient Greeks the Violet has been recognized as something rare and desirable."

I picked up the book and even after several years of being on the bookshelf the pages still have the scent. Isn't that amazing!!! If man can place a scent on paper that lingers for a long time how much more God can do when He places His Heavenly Fragrance upon us. The fragrance of Jesus which permeates the soul of a person is far better than any manmade or nature made scent.

Yes, you do have a scent which others can smell and as a precious child of God it is one that excites, calms, soothes, delights, and inspires others. This is a gift from our Loving Father.

Abba Father, Precious Lord, Holy Counselor, Praise and Glory and Honor. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that today as she performs her duties or sits with friends or is alone with You may Your Fragrance pour forth and may she be used by You to bring Glory to Your Name in every area of her life. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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