Wednesday, March 09, 2016


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

A friend has asked for prayer becasue her daughter is in labor. As I texted her back that I would, it brought back so many memories of my own - giving birth to 3 children. I do know that for many of you who are reading this post that maybe this kind of "labor" has not been experienced by you. I also know that you have gone through some form of "labor".

I consider prayer as labor.

God draws you close to Him and tells you something - it begins to take seed in your heart, it grows and grows, then the process of it becoming alive is the process of labor.

Dear and Precious Ones God is the God of Creativitity and Beauty and Kindness and Patience and Greatness and Righteousness and Holiness and LOVE. May the process of "labor" bring forth in your lives all of the blessings and promises that our most Sovereign LORD has already bestowed on each one of us since the beginning.

Property of the Eternal,



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