Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Psalm 19:21

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today is my second child's 40th birthday - He is an answered prayer. Let me tell you how it came about - I wanted to have another child and was told that it might be dangerous because of the complications I had after losing a child. I belonged to a bible study group and when I announced to them that I would like to have another child we began to pray. I do not recall the length of time in prayer but I do remember the day I found out that I was with child. I had gone to the dentist because I was experiencing some pain in my lower left wisdom tooth area. As he examined me he told me that he couldn't work on my teeth because I was in my first trimester of pregnancy. If that wasn't a shocker what came next was one of those God moments that overwhelm the senses where you are never the same again. I was in the shower and remember being concerned about being pregnant and if it was a boy what would I name him - my Abba Father's reply, "His name will be Jeffrey", my concern was that it had to start with a "G", once again His reply, "You will spell it Geoffrey and it means God's Peace."

I have referenced Psalm 19:21,"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." Yes, from the very beginning of my son's life the LORD had already purposed his life. That is how it is with every single one of us. Your life has the Lord's purpose woven through every fiber of your body and sould and mind and it will prevail.

My son is 40 years old today and as a mother I have always desired the best for him but at the same time I never forget that day spent with the Lord in the shower as He announced to me my child's name and the meaning. Happy Birthday son.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor, thank You for purposing my son's life and all the lives of all the people, how amazing is Your faithfulness and Your Goodness. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ this day that she would remember an answer to prayer and begin to once again Trust in the author and finisher of her faith. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The LORD Commanded

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I pray that these past 21 days of 2015 have treated you well - hopefully the victories have been more than the defeats. I am enjoying the adventure/journey that I am in on with the Lord and stepping back in time to when Joshua obeyed the Lord. In turning the pages of my bible and reading the underlined scripture passages and the notes that were placed by them at different times in my life I am in awe of our LORD. One of the scriptures I have underlined is Joshua 11:15,"As the LORD commanded his servant Moses, so Moses commanded Joshua, and Joshua did it; he left nothing undone of all that the LORD commanded Moses."

Dear sisters-in-Christ our lives are intertwined - we are servants of the LORD. Do you have a mentor? Do you have a trusted friend? Someone whom has shared something and the thought continues to come up again and again. Just as the LORD had commanded your mentor or trusted friend with something and in the conversation might you have been entrusted with the same command?

I've heard it before that it is like passing the baton - I pray that this year the baton, which had been handed to you and the one that you carry will be successfully passed on the next and that nothing is left undone of all the the LORD commanded.

Abba Father, praise and glory and honor to thee. I come before Your throne of Grace this morning and desire to worship thee. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would be mightily blessed this day and in the days ahead with Your Presence, Your Peace, Your Provision, and Your Power to accomplish that which You have commanded. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A New Confidence

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I usually select my favorite bible from the bookshelf but this morning my eyes were drawn to another book which I have not read in some time. The title of the book is, "Run for Freedom" by Sigi Oblander with Barbara B. Baker. Sigi was born in Berlin Germany as the Nazi Third Reich was conquering Europe. The book is an autobiography of her life. In skimming through the book in search of something that would be applicable to my posting this Wednesday I found this nugget of truth.

The scene was that she needed to preach for 7 minutes, which she did. Afterwards the teacher told the class that it was anointed by the Holy Spirit. To which her response was, "Anointed by the Holy Spirit!" Is that what had happened to me which I had yielded to God's Power and allowed Him to speak through me? Once this was realized she had a new confidence.

Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ are you desiring a new confidence for all that the Lord has promised and also has revealed to you. I pray that the Sovereign Lord would build you up in the Faith.

Abba Father, most Glorious and Mighty LORD, we come before Your throne of Grace desiring to know thee more and more. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, may she once again be anointed by the Holy Spirit and receive from thee the gift of Faith so that a new confidence will begin to grow inside of her. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,


Wednesday, January 07, 2015

A Luncheon Date

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I'm so looking forward to 1:00 today - a luncheon date with my mentor. It was either August or September of 2001 that I saw her standing in the second row pew to the right of where I was standing. A couple Sunday's later I walked up to her and introduced myself and from that day forward we have been more than friends for we have been sisters-in-Christ. Our relationship continues to grow as we fellowship together which is twice a year now. I am looking forward to hearing her stories of God's Goodness and also to share mine with her as well.

What a nice way to start my 2015 year. I hope that each one of you also will have something or someone that will cause you to be excited and say, "what a nice way to start my 2015 year."

Abba Father, Praise thee on high and thank thee for Your grace which is forever. Lord as I write these words I come into Your Presence and take delight in knowing that You alone hold each dear and precious sister-in-Christ in the palm of Your hand and that You delight in her. Lord I pray for Your most Sovereign will to be done in their lives. Lord, oh Lord may Your tender mercies be evident in their lives this day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,
