Wednesday, January 07, 2015

A Luncheon Date

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I'm so looking forward to 1:00 today - a luncheon date with my mentor. It was either August or September of 2001 that I saw her standing in the second row pew to the right of where I was standing. A couple Sunday's later I walked up to her and introduced myself and from that day forward we have been more than friends for we have been sisters-in-Christ. Our relationship continues to grow as we fellowship together which is twice a year now. I am looking forward to hearing her stories of God's Goodness and also to share mine with her as well.

What a nice way to start my 2015 year. I hope that each one of you also will have something or someone that will cause you to be excited and say, "what a nice way to start my 2015 year."

Abba Father, Praise thee on high and thank thee for Your grace which is forever. Lord as I write these words I come into Your Presence and take delight in knowing that You alone hold each dear and precious sister-in-Christ in the palm of Your hand and that You delight in her. Lord I pray for Your most Sovereign will to be done in their lives. Lord, oh Lord may Your tender mercies be evident in their lives this day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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