Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The LORD Commanded

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I pray that these past 21 days of 2015 have treated you well - hopefully the victories have been more than the defeats. I am enjoying the adventure/journey that I am in on with the Lord and stepping back in time to when Joshua obeyed the Lord. In turning the pages of my bible and reading the underlined scripture passages and the notes that were placed by them at different times in my life I am in awe of our LORD. One of the scriptures I have underlined is Joshua 11:15,"As the LORD commanded his servant Moses, so Moses commanded Joshua, and Joshua did it; he left nothing undone of all that the LORD commanded Moses."

Dear sisters-in-Christ our lives are intertwined - we are servants of the LORD. Do you have a mentor? Do you have a trusted friend? Someone whom has shared something and the thought continues to come up again and again. Just as the LORD had commanded your mentor or trusted friend with something and in the conversation might you have been entrusted with the same command?

I've heard it before that it is like passing the baton - I pray that this year the baton, which had been handed to you and the one that you carry will be successfully passed on the next and that nothing is left undone of all the the LORD commanded.

Abba Father, praise and glory and honor to thee. I come before Your throne of Grace this morning and desire to worship thee. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would be mightily blessed this day and in the days ahead with Your Presence, Your Peace, Your Provision, and Your Power to accomplish that which You have commanded. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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