Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A New Confidence

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I usually select my favorite bible from the bookshelf but this morning my eyes were drawn to another book which I have not read in some time. The title of the book is, "Run for Freedom" by Sigi Oblander with Barbara B. Baker. Sigi was born in Berlin Germany as the Nazi Third Reich was conquering Europe. The book is an autobiography of her life. In skimming through the book in search of something that would be applicable to my posting this Wednesday I found this nugget of truth.

The scene was that she needed to preach for 7 minutes, which she did. Afterwards the teacher told the class that it was anointed by the Holy Spirit. To which her response was, "Anointed by the Holy Spirit!" Is that what had happened to me which I had yielded to God's Power and allowed Him to speak through me? Once this was realized she had a new confidence.

Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ are you desiring a new confidence for all that the Lord has promised and also has revealed to you. I pray that the Sovereign Lord would build you up in the Faith.

Abba Father, most Glorious and Mighty LORD, we come before Your throne of Grace desiring to know thee more and more. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, may she once again be anointed by the Holy Spirit and receive from thee the gift of Faith so that a new confidence will begin to grow inside of her. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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