Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My Two Favorite Bibles

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

On my bookshelf close to my computer I have two bibles and they are the ones I go to - my fingers and eyes seem to know right where to go when a question is asked, "Where is that in the Bible" (from a dear friend who taught me well). Both of these have covers on them. I pulled one of them out today - One is dated July 7, 1995 when I purchased, it is the King James Version and it has all the recorded births and deaths and marriages and baptisms. It has sticky notes and verses which are underlined and some I have highlighted and mini sermons and some bookmarks. I even have some pressed flowers. The cover is a Vera Bradley. The other is a Women's Devotional Bible (NIV), not dated but from the different references and contents it was probably in the late nineties as well. I remember the reason why I purchased this was because I wanted a devotional bible and this contained mini little devotionals authored by various Christian women that I could read and "think about it". These devotionals placed in differnt parts of the books are framed in flower borders. They were not colored but I purchased a set of coloring pencils (I still use them) to color in the flowers. The cover is a tea cup hanging from a picture box which is hung on the wall with pink roses arranged at the top. The scripture verse written within the box and centered under the teacup is: Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is there will your heart be also."

Abba Father, Praise thee oh most Sovereign Lord, the Creator of all things, how marvelous is Your Grace. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she would continue or begin to comprehend what You have already given to her - such rich treasures that only You can give with such abundant beauty and bounty. Lord may Your treasures of Goodness and Kindness and Faithfulness and Hope and Joy and Love and Patience and Gentleness and Peace and Power and Provision be poured into her heart that the overflow would be evident in her life and in the lives whom she encounters. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Jeremiah 17:7,8

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Once again I have selected today's posting from the small booklet, "Passages of Light, Selected Scriptures with Reflections by Thomas Kindade. The painting on the left side of the page is of a rock bridge and flowing through the valled and under the bridge is a river; next to the bank is a path and on top of the bridge is a figure of a man clothed in light. The scripture quoted, "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river and will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit."

Precious sisters-in-Christ the very thought that we are blessed and that we will never cease from yielding fruit. Fruitfulness comes from the LORD. No matter your age or your circumstances in life. How wonderful it is to know that our trusting in the LORD is a blessing. For fears and anxiousness seem to have a way of creeping into our hearts and minds.

Abba Father, praise you and thank you for the promise for each and every sister-in-Christ today, that she is blessed when her trust is in the LORD and her hope is in the LORD. For she will be like a tree planted by the waters, oh Lord your living waters, waters that quench the deepest of thirsts and the roots spread out by the river, she will not fear when heat comes for her leaf will be green and she will not be anxious in the year of the drought nor will she cease from yielding fruit. LORD these precious sisters-in-Christ do place their trust and hope in thee. May your promised word be spoken into their hearts and minds today. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

John 3:16

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This past Sunday I had the most wonderful blessing - I was privileged to pray the sinner's prayer with my granddaughter. Oh how amazing is our God that He prepares the heart to receive this precious gift. I had been praying for her for many years and on her 14th birthday, which was Sunday, was the day she celebrated her spiritual birthday. After she received Christ we began to talk about the night before - her best friend had come over and she and her started talking about God and Jesus. And she said that she had been praying every night because of some of the things she was going through because she had just started high school. As soon as she had prayed she said that she felt as if God was hugging her. Oh His Love, to be able to physically feel His Hugs - we both had tears of joy.

The reason I titled this post was because this is the verse the Lord had her read just before she bowed her head.

God's timing is always perfect - all the drawing unto Him and the planting of seeds and then the invitation presented. Oh, how intricate God is in His planning and purposing of our lives. Every detail, every moment, every blink of the eye is significant.

Abba Father, how Great is Your Love towards us. Such tender mercies and such marveleous Grace. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that Your Truth would resound in her heart and mind that she would be so filled with Your Presence that all else will pale in comparison to the world. Lord may she rise above every circumstance and soar to greater heights than ever before. Lord may Your Blessings of Abundance be poured into each life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,


Wednesday, September 03, 2014

The Beginning of My September Journey

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have begun my September journey with the Lord. I started this many years ago - the month of September I fast from some things and I find times in the day to draw close to the LORD. This year the first of September fell on a Monday and it was a holiday for me. I took the extra day off from work with gladness. Another day to walk along Alii Drive and take in all the sites and sounds of the island.

This past weekend they had canoe races. Standing at the pier and watching the 6 man canoe teams sitting in the water waiting for the flag to wave for the start is really a majestic thing to see. All the hours of practicing and all the sacrifices made just for the chance to win the race - to be able to covet the first place prize.

I did not think of my September journey as such, but in writing this post my thinking has changed. Yes, the month of September is spent with the Lord. This is very hard to do at times because of life. Finding the time to still myself before the Lord seems to elude me. But I will take this time to practice and sacrifice.

The best part of this journey is the vision that the Lord gives me in the beginning. This vision is - A leather knapsack is sitting next to me and the Lord hands it to me telling me that this is everything I need for my day's journey. Sometmes the vision is that He extends His hand and takes mine, other times it has been Him telling me to walk with Him, but I always have the knapsack.

Abba Father, Praise thee for each day. How gracious and merciful art thou Lord that You supply our 24 hour day with everything we need for it. Great is Your Love for us. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today - Lord may the provisions of this day for her be filled with Your Precious Tender Mercies, may they be overflowing in abundance and bring such Joy and Peace into her life that her family and friends would say of her - she is blessed and the favor of the Lord is upon her. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,
