Wednesday, September 10, 2014

John 3:16

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This past Sunday I had the most wonderful blessing - I was privileged to pray the sinner's prayer with my granddaughter. Oh how amazing is our God that He prepares the heart to receive this precious gift. I had been praying for her for many years and on her 14th birthday, which was Sunday, was the day she celebrated her spiritual birthday. After she received Christ we began to talk about the night before - her best friend had come over and she and her started talking about God and Jesus. And she said that she had been praying every night because of some of the things she was going through because she had just started high school. As soon as she had prayed she said that she felt as if God was hugging her. Oh His Love, to be able to physically feel His Hugs - we both had tears of joy.

The reason I titled this post was because this is the verse the Lord had her read just before she bowed her head.

God's timing is always perfect - all the drawing unto Him and the planting of seeds and then the invitation presented. Oh, how intricate God is in His planning and purposing of our lives. Every detail, every moment, every blink of the eye is significant.

Abba Father, how Great is Your Love towards us. Such tender mercies and such marveleous Grace. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that Your Truth would resound in her heart and mind that she would be so filled with Your Presence that all else will pale in comparison to the world. Lord may she rise above every circumstance and soar to greater heights than ever before. Lord may Your Blessings of Abundance be poured into each life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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