Wednesday, August 06, 2014


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My Island (ok, the Big Island) but I still consider it my special Island where God planted me 13 years ago. We arrived here on the 3th of August 2001 and started looking for a place to live. There have been many challenges for us and in the process of us thinking that we were supposed to move back to the mainland to be closer to family, yet the answer has been, "I have planned and purposed you to be here." Yes, so I do consider it my Island.

Well it is under hurricane watch alert, yep, two hurricanes are barrelling down on my Island. My first thoughts were that nope it is not going to happen because we have two BIG mountains that will prevent it from coming to Kona side. It will hit Hilo side. Then I got to thinking that I should be prepared because, what if, unlike all the other times it does come and destroy.

I woke up early this morning with this thought, "May Your Hand Stay the Wind", and that is my prayer. Oh Lord, this is just like the 5 armies that came up against Israel, this is just like when the army came to kill the Hebrews fleeing. You have parted the Red Sea, You have calmed the raging seas, You have caused the sun to not set for a day, You have destroyed armies before the battle even began.

Just because this is nature and not man does not make any difference whatsoever. These two hurricanes are coming to cause havoc on the Islands and cause lives to be lost and property to be lost. Lord calm the wind, still the waves. Lord I pray for the people on the Islands, spare them oh Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Abba Father, I praise thee and thank thee. Lord just like these two threatening forces of nature each precious sister-in-Christ have things that threaten her peace, her joy, her health, her hope and her love. Lord I pray for her today that Your Hand would stay the wind of adversity in her life. May Your Favor be upon each and every precious sister-in-Christ. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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