Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Memories - Hurting or Healing

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Yesterday was my aunt's birthday, she is my favorite aunt, really she is! I do have other aunt's, however this aunt and I have been very close through the years more so than any of my other's. I called her and in the talking story, I remembered something about when we were very young - I retold my version of the story and in the retelling she did not remember but if I did then that was okay. The story as I remember it: We were sleeping in the same bed and since she was older she chose which side of the bed to sleep. I did not like that - so I kept talking to her and she yelled at me to SHUT UP! After I told my version of the story, she and I were laughing about the incident. I told her that I'm sure I had forgiven her a long time ago and she said that's good. We finished our conversation and wishing her a happy birthday one last time we hung up.

Rethinking this morning about the phone conversation my thought was of memories, how we can remember the experience and it causes us pain or brings healing. By my telling her that I was sure that I had forgiven her a long time ago and she was thankful, this was a healing memory. I pray that your remembering of memories will bring healing.

Abba Father, Praise thee that You are Sovereign. Lord as we live out our lives there are situations which you allow that cause us pain. I pray that when those situations arise that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ would place the matter in Your Loving Care and if remembered again she can confidently say, I'm sure that I had forgiven a long time ago. Lord God Your tender mercies poured into our hearts each day bring Joy and Hope. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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