Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It is so wonderful that the year 2014 starts on a Wednesday, don't you think? I just took down the Christmas decorations and the tables are empty and will be filled once again with pictures and other lay aside nicknacks.

My prayer for this Wednesday, January 1, 2014:

Abba Father, Thank you that once again You are blessing us with another day of Your tender mercies. Our calendars say that it is a new year but with You each day is a new day and You who never changes nor forgets constantly brings new blessings each and every day. I stand in awe of You my Lord. I pray that you would hear my prayer - may each one be anointed with your sweet smelling fragrance Jesus and may they go forth this day which you have made and be a sweet smelling aroma which stirs hearts to draw closer to thee. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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