Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Happy Lei Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today being the first of May is Lei Day here in Hawaii. The Hawaiian Lei is given for all different occasions and today I would like to share an event that happened in 2001. My husband and I had just arrived on the Big Island and were considering making this our permanent home in March of 2001. On one of our morning walks I noticed a banner inviting women to attend a Kona wide Women's Conference starting on Friday afternoon and going until Sunday. I walked in and asked if I could attend any of the services, I selected the Saturday night. I'm sure that the speaker was good and the worship was good but the memory that has stayed with me all this time is when we were all given leis and walked out onto the lava rock on the ocean shore and placing the leis in the ocean a prayer was lifted up to the Sovereign Lord, Lord may this island, the Big Island of Hawaii, be an island of healing. We stood and watched as the leis floated out to sea.

Abba Father, our Great and Sovereign Lord, may the sweet fragrance of Jesus go forth on this day and may each sister-in-Christ be anointed with Your healing touch. Oh LORD of the Harvest, may her eyes see Your Glory, may her ears hear Your Voice, may she smell the richness of Your Grace, may her hands be anointed that when she touches people they would sense a power so wonderful that they desire to know You. And Lord may she have the mind of Christ. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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