Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What's You Doing?

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

We have new neighbors, they just moved in yesterday. When I arrived home from work the moving van was parked in the driveway and there were scooters sitting by the front door, which meant there were children. It was confirmed when I had gone outside after dinner to look for the comet which was supposed to be visible from the naked eye. As I stared up into the sky I heard a little voice, "what's you doing?" Now that is a question that I had not heard in a long time. In fact probably the last time I heard that a sweet little voice ask me what I was doing was about 3 years ago when my grandchildren came to visit. After I tried to explain what I was doing to a 3 year old adorable girl she was whisked away by her mom - it was dinner time.

Reflecting on that question this morning. How many times have I asked of the LORD, "what's you doing?" when I am faced with a difficult situation or even in need of something simple. I wonder if God hears a sweet little voice and in HIS reply is it the same as me trying to explain a comet to a three year old. I hope you don't misunderstand, it is my desire to hear and it is God who says for me to ask and seek and knock. And I do trust that it is His Will that will be done.

Abba Father, Praise thee for all the wonderfulness of You, oh most Sovereign Lord I come before Your throne of Grace asking that this day would be filled with the Wonder of You. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she would seek to know the One who calls her precious and ask of the One who sings over her that You alone would answer. May she wait upon the Most Holy One and in the waiting may she be filled with Your Peace which passes all understanding. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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