Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Giving Thanks for my Family

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have been calling my parents every Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning for quite some time now and today's phone call reminded me once again of what I am thankful for.

My parents have been married for 63 years, raised 5 children and helped raise several of my dad's brothers and sisters as he was the oldest in his family. What I am thankful for happened again during our conversation, it started out, Dad: your mother tried to tell me how to cook the turkey again. Mom: well he was adding too much garlic and besides I don't like garlic in it anyway.

I started to giggle, and said, "oh Mom and Dad I just love it when you banter." Dad: Oh so that's what you call it. I just told her to leave the kitchen.

Marriage - my mom and dad love each other so much and yet when it comes to anything to do with the kitchen, whether cleaning or preparing food it seems to be a tug of war as to which way is the best.

Why am I thankful for the bantering? Because it gives me hope in knowing that love is not always about who is right or wrong or who does it this way or that way, it is about being there for each other. Mom and Dad may banter but at the end of the day, they kiss each other good night and realize that they are so blessed to still have each other.

Abba Father, Praise you for Your goodness and faithfulness. Thank you for our spouses and our family. Thank you for the Love that you pour into each of our hearts. Lord for the dear sisters-in-Christ who still have their parents thank you, for those who no longer have living parents may they be thankful for when they were alive and the special times shared. Lord thank you for Your Love and may we hold up each family member during this season of giving thanks and say thank you for our family and Lord bless richly each sister-in-Christ and their precious and dear family members. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Giving thanks for my family,



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