Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I leave tomorrow afternoon from my island, Hawaii (Big Island), and fly to my favorite island, Kauai (Garden Isle).

This is a miracle from God.

A setting aside for a time for me to become more focused on Jesus.

This past year has been a year filled with doubt and fear and worry and grief. Yes, all of these emotions have surfaced in one way or another. It seems that I would just deal with one emotion and another one would follow right behind it. When I cried out to God that I don't think that I am able to bear much more is when He tenderly whispered into my ear. Dear sweet daughter, come to Me and I will wrap you in my Love.

The situations are still present in my life but what is different is that the Sovereign Lord has wrapped me in HIS LOVE and now their is nothing that is able to separate me from HIM.

Abba Father, Praise thee and thank You. I pray for each dear and precious child of yours that this season she will be wrapped in Your Eternal LOVE and rest in thee alone.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

A Savoir was Born to Save You and Me,



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